Words Today

"For every single miracle YOU made in my life. I am so grateful, yaa ALLAH.."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

He's a BIG boy now!

21 Agustus 2011 nanti, Rakhshan akan genap berusia 7 bulan. Bukan bayi merah dan kecil lagi, dia kini tumbuh menjadi bayi gemuk, putih dan lincah. Alhamdulillah. Tiada henti ucap syukur aku panjatkan setiap kali melihatnya.

Sejauh ini Rakhshan sudah bisa bilang "Mamma", "Appa" (Pappa), "Mbak" (baby sitternya), sudah ngerti kalau bilang "Ayo" artinya dia diajak jalan-jalan, sudah mulai menunjukkan ketertarikannya pada apa yg sedang dimakan oleh orang di sekelilingnya, sudah mengerti kalau aku dan pappanya akan pergi- dia harus ada mengantar sampai di teras depan, sudah bisa duduk walau sedikit harus ditopang, bisa berguling-guling di kasur hingga sedikit berposisi seperti sedang main Kung Fu (posisi kaki diangkat plus tidur miring dengan kepala diangkat), hobi bercermin, paling seneng lihat anak-anak ayam, dan kalau ada suara "Meoong" dia akan bilang "Oooh?!" sambil pasang muka sok kaget setengah takut (maklum, turunan emaknya yg geli/takut ma kucing).

Baju-baju Duck-Duck overall size Large-nya sudah mulai tak muat, sekarang emaknya lagi hobi beliin baju kaos, kemeja dan celana/overall, sepatu, topi, jaket Osh-Kosh B'Gosh, Nickleodeon.. pokok'e yg bikin dia jadi kelihatan sudah gede/ABG. Hehehe..

Aaah, dia sekarang bukan bayi kecil lagi. Walau masih sering aku panggil "Kecil-Kecilnya Mamma", He's a BIG boy now!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome, my Shining Star..

He was born at Haji Darjad Hospital, Samarinda in January 21st, 2011. It was Friday, 12:38 PM when the doctor grabbed out the baby from my womb. Yes, I took cesarean-section way to deliver the baby after experiencing 19 hours to wait a normal delivery process. It took only 45 minutes to run the operation, while I could watch how the medical team worked on rescuing my baby. Thank YOU Allah.. everything went well and smooth. The baby was there even he needed to be kept in the incubator for his unwell condition. He was so cute, chubby with black hair, round face and very clean skin. I remember when the nurse wrote: Baby of Mrs. Sudiyanti. Weight: 3600 gram and Length: 52 cm. He has his daddy's eyes, lips, hairy ears and overall face :D but my "gifts" go to his eyebrow, eyelash, and chin :) he is just wonderful..

His name is Hvězda Rakhshan, which taken from Czech and Arabic. Hvězda means STAR, while Rakhshan is SHINING. Hvězda Rakhshan is our shining star. Just like me and his daddy's dream. He will be shining like a star for our wonderful life.

Again and again.. Me and his daddy are soooo proud of him. He is the apple of my eye. Welcome to the world, baby.. Welcome, Rakhshan!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My first Experience on 4-dimension USG

I went to the Hi-Lab last Friday after less than 24-hour-appointment with the X-ray specialist. By paying 440,000 Rupiahs, I would have the 4-dimension USG for my 34-week pregnancy. Compared to 2-dimension USG I had done many times previously, this method would be more expensive.. but price doesn't matter when what you can get in return is more than satisfaction!

Many things bothered me during 10 minute waiting: I was starving, little bit cold, and sleepy. The only thing I could do was: yawning. And the rain completely made it worse.

The doctor's assistant called my name. Since, the only client they have was me, I could freely ask anything about my fetal development, his condition and mine to the doctor. It was really fantastic when looking to the advance of this cutting-edge technology device, showing my baby inside. He's a big baby now!

With the 4-dimension USG, we're able to see the baby's body, including head, toes, hands, legs, and yes: his face! I couldn't do anything but speechless when the doctor explaining what we were witnessing from that big screen, showing the baby's appearance. It was amazing to see his look. Mashallah, he has his daddy's nose and lips!

Alhamdulillah, everything is fine as I expect so far. Thank YOU, Allah :)