Words Today

"For every single miracle YOU made in my life. I am so grateful, yaa ALLAH.."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My first Experience on 4-dimension USG

I went to the Hi-Lab last Friday after less than 24-hour-appointment with the X-ray specialist. By paying 440,000 Rupiahs, I would have the 4-dimension USG for my 34-week pregnancy. Compared to 2-dimension USG I had done many times previously, this method would be more expensive.. but price doesn't matter when what you can get in return is more than satisfaction!

Many things bothered me during 10 minute waiting: I was starving, little bit cold, and sleepy. The only thing I could do was: yawning. And the rain completely made it worse.

The doctor's assistant called my name. Since, the only client they have was me, I could freely ask anything about my fetal development, his condition and mine to the doctor. It was really fantastic when looking to the advance of this cutting-edge technology device, showing my baby inside. He's a big baby now!

With the 4-dimension USG, we're able to see the baby's body, including head, toes, hands, legs, and yes: his face! I couldn't do anything but speechless when the doctor explaining what we were witnessing from that big screen, showing the baby's appearance. It was amazing to see his look. Mashallah, he has his daddy's nose and lips!

Alhamdulillah, everything is fine as I expect so far. Thank YOU, Allah :)


Anung said...

Tante Yanti dan Om Wayan mau punya dedek, ya? Selamat deh, semoga semuanya lancar :-)

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owww amazing...
God Bless You and your Son.. :)